Node Ctags

Ctags Node module

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Read all about ctags here.


npm install ctags



findTags(path, tag, [options])

Get all tags matching the tag specified from the tags file at the path.

path - The string path to the tags file.

tag - The string name of the tag to search for.

options - An optional options object containing the following keys:

Returns an array containing objects that have name and file keys and optionally a pattern key if the tag file specified contains tag patterns.


ctags = require 'ctags'

tags = ctags.findTags('/Users/me/repos/node/tags', 'exists')
for tag in tags
  console.log("#{} is in #{tag.file}")


Get all tags found in the path specified.

path - The string path to the tags file.

Returns an array containing objects that have name and file keys and optionally a pattern key if the tag file specified contains tag patterns.


ctags = require 'ctags'

allTags = ctags.getTags('/Users/me/repos/node/tags')
for tag in allTags
  console.log("#{} is in #{tag.file} with pattern: #{tag.pattern}")